Sunday, November 30, 2008

At the airport...

Hey all.

I am at the Syracuse Airport right now and yes, it is snowing. Are you surprised? It is always snowing in upstate NY.

In some respects, I absolutely love snow (skiing anyone?) but the shoveling, salt-stained shoes, and inevitable airplane delays are a bit tiresome. Plus, my poor blood has become incredibly thin, thanks in no small part to the Houston heat. Thus, I am freezing 24/7.

But enough complaining. This Thanksgiving was absolutely awesome. I loved spending time with my folks and brothers -- after all, I don't get to see them that much. Although I love Houston, I am finding that the older I get, the closer I want to be to my family. Who would have thought that Jen Pearsall would want to return to Carthage, NY?

Anyway, I better get going -- the plane will hopefully begin boarding soon. Oh wait, maybe not -- there is a freaking blizzard outside now.....

Friday, November 28, 2008


Hey folks! Welcome to my blog! I'll be writing about whatever comes to mind -- most likely completely random and pointless tidbits related to, well, whatever. But what else would you expect from me. XOXO.

PS - Argentina is a go. Which means that the contract job is out. Can you believe I am turning down employment? I'm trying this new thing -- trusting my gut and letting fate take over.