Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ready, Set....BING!

In an attempt to whoop Google, Microsoft launched a new "decision" engine called Bing. You can check it out here.

Have you tried it out yet? I've read reports that it's either going to take over 30-40% of the search market....or die a sad, lonely death. I'll test it out over the next few days and let y'all know what I think. In the's the ad that Microsoft is launching to introduce it:

My thoughts on the ad campaign: I'm not digging how Microsoft tries to tie together online searching and the current recession. Seems like their forcing an emotional response on us, and I don't buy it. Second, the commercial does a poor job explaining what makes Bing different. A decision engine? What the hell is that? And finally, the commercial fails to answer the all important question: I like Google, so why should I switch to Bing? The commercial does make some arguments about search confusion and cutting through the (crap), but when I put a key word into Google, I usually get what I want. Search confusion? What are you talking about?

Anyway, enough about search engines. I should be sleeping, but my poor veins are high on caffeine right now (damn Diet Coke addiction). So on that note, I'm off to Google, or maybe Bing, some celeb gossip.

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