Monday, November 9, 2009


Once again, it's been FOREVER since I posted. And I don't really have an excuse, other than being lazy, lazy, lazy. Yes, I admit it. Lazy. But that is changing -- beginning today.

What inspired this? Quite simple actually. Some fellow Pierponters and I (@briguyblock being one of them, Emily Bernard -- who isn't on Twitter I think -- another) developed the first official blog schedule for Pierpont. (Check out the blog here.) That's organized, step by step and date by date blog schedule. Sadly, we're already off by one day (grr!) but I'm not letting it get me down. In fact, I'm using this "calendering" as I call it to inspire me to create a schedule for my own blog. As many of you know, I work well when things are structured -- either someone creates the structure for me, or I do it. Otherwise, it'll get done, but it will take a lot longer. (Hey, at least I'm honest.)

So in honor of my new blog schedule, which will begin STAT, I'm asking y'all, my loyal readers and lovers of all things Jen, to let me know WHAT you want to hear/read/see about. A lot of this blog has been focused on marketing, social media, and (occasionally) fashion in the past. Anything else you are dying to learn about from moi? Let me know and in the meantime, buckle up. My tank is full and I'm revving up.

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