Sunday, January 23, 2011


OK, so I've already dropped the ball when it comes to my 2011 to-dos. I'm 1) not updating my blog and 2) definitely not getting enough sleep. Oh, and my reading list? Yeah. I'm not even reading crap now. I'm reading nothing.

I suck. My bad.

Anyway, it is a new week so the past will be the past and I'll move on. This week, btw, is the half marathon! WOOHOO! So excited! :) Like I said, 1:48 would be great, but I haven't been training that well and per the negative split calculator I just looked up...well, it may not happen. I always start my runs slowly and then increase the pace, but the negative pace calculator wants me to start at 8:25! (BTW, if you don't know what negative splits are, read about 'em here.)

I think I have to use the calculator I looked up as a general guide only. I run a pretty ridiculous negative split (example: my 13 mile run was a 9 min pace the first few miles and then about 8 minute or under for the last couple miles...a difference much greater than the average -2% negative split most people see.) For the training run, my avg pace was 8:30, so I hope in the race with all the ppl cheering me on I'll be able to average about 8:15. So if you live in Houston -- come and cheer for me!

But enough about pace and negative splits and boring stuff like that. I'm just STOKED to run this year! Unlike in the past, I'm not freaking out about this race. I know I didn't train the way I was supposed to...I also know that I have the potential to run WAY faster if I do train properly. I hope that this half and the one I do in a few weeks (Austin baby with my friend Brittany!) will kick me into gear and force me to start taking my training seriously. I really think I have the potential to be a pretty strong recreational athlete (some would argue I already am) but I want to be better. I really want to run a half in under 1:45 soon, but to do that I need to start including tempo and speed work into my runs. (Might also help if I run more than 2x a week....)

It's gonna be a busy week at work but I will make an effort to blog a few more times. We have our company retreat this weekend, and I have a TON of work to do for it. (I've been tasked with helping develop our 2011-12 digital strategy and so far, I have nothing to show for it other than some brilliant ideas floating around in my head. Gotta get them on paper STAT.)

So with that....good night folks! I spent about 2 hours cleaning my room and getting rid of old stuff I didn't need, so not only is my room clean (thanks not to my poor cleaning skills, but those of my maid) it's also ORGANIZED! But now, I need to sleep. To-do list to continue this week.


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