Monday, March 28, 2011


Oh yes she did! I (once again) dropped off the face of the earth.

I could blame my long absence on a multitude of things, among them a ski trip (see previous post), another half marathon (this one!), a ridiculous number of social and networking events (yes, it's a tough life I lead), the Texas Independence Relay, SXSW and a last minute trip to NY to see my brother Gil, who was home from Afghanistan. But I won't. Well, not really.

Fortunately, things are (sorta) calming down. I still don't have a free weekend until the middle of May, but the whirlwind weeks of running and catching planes and hopping between three events in one evening are on a hiatus for at least a month and a half. (The only exception to this is the MS 150, but after the last few crazy weeks, it sounds as relaxing as a spa weekend with girlfriends.)

So now I'm back to catching up on sleeping, cleaning out my inbox, and trying to save some moola, especially since my checking account currently resembles a big black hole. The other thing I'm doing? Revisiting my to do list, aka resolutions. (Remember those? No? That's ok. I didn't either.) Here's a recap on where I stand:

To-do number 1: update my blog more often. Ha. That's funny.

To-do number 2: stop reading crap. I did breakdown and read the last Larsson book (not worth your time, fyi) but right now I'm finishing this book, which is much more inline with what I should be reading. That said, I haven't cracked open even one book on my list. Oh dear.

To-do number 3: get more sleep. Yeah, right.

To-do number 4: do a triathalon. Not yet, but it will happen, although it might make it easier if I swim more than 1x per quarter. The spring sprint isn't happening, but hopefully I'll do one in the summer or early fall.

To-do number 5: rid my life of people and things that don't make me happy. I've been somewhat successful on this one, although I sorta think I may be a bit of a glutton for punishment. I'll analyze that with a shrink another time.

To-do number 6: be a grown up, get my own place. Too early to even comment on this one.

To-do number 7: um, oops. Never did a to-do number 7. Or 8. Or 9 or 10. And since my track record ain't so hot right now, I think I should just stick to trying to accomplish the first 6 I have for now. My list of 10 is now a list of 6. I'm changing the rules in the middle of the game 'cause that's how I roll.

And with that... I'm passing out. I have a post due for my company's blog tomorrow (it's a comparison of ereaders! exciting stuff!) and a newsletter article about my major SXSW takeaways. You best believe I'm re-purposing those for this blog, so get ready to read, folks.


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