Friday, March 6, 2009

Things you may not want to know about me....

For no particular reason -- 5 tidbits about yours truly that make me blush.

1) I once went 5 days without showering or bathing. Keep in mind that I was camping and hiking and had very limited access to running water, but even so - ick. My hair was thisclose to dreadlocking.

2) I like to pop pimples. It's gross.

3) You know the magaine Glamour? The really cheesy one whose cover is always promising to divulge what really turns him on? Well, I am obsessed with the blogs. It started with the style blog, but now I read the dating blog, the fitness blog, the weight loss blog, the "I-got-knocked-up-and-am-now-a-single-mom" blog, the cancer blog (yes, there is a cancer blog!!)...and I read them every single day.

4) When I listen to my iPod, I make up dance videos in my head in which I'm the star. They're usually really bad.

5) I am a psycho Google stalker. If I've met you, I've Googled you. Sorry, but it's true.

OK, I've dished. Now it's your turn!

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