My faves (and not so faves). So without further ado....

Mariska Hargitay. Simple dress but she still looks smoking. Her hair is a bit sloppy, but perfection is hard to find.

Entourage cast: Hot. I am especially digging Perrey Reeves' look.

Holly Hunter: Y'all know I love things that sparkle. So obviously, I'm loving this dress. Fits her like a glove too.

John Krasinsk: Um, hello John. Yum. Where's your hotel room?

Heidi Klum: WTF? She's about to pop and still has a hotter body than me. This dress is AMAZING on her.

Debra Messing: Debra Messing looks smoking in this dress. I love the one-shoulder look, too.

Blake Lively: She's a terrible actress but I love her anyways. Plus, this is a great and fun.

January Jones: January's fashion choice is quite, er, chilly.

Josh Segal: So I admit that I have a secret crush on Josh Segal (I like dorky guys!) but even I've gotta draw the line somewhere. This suit looks like something he got off the rack at Big & Tall. On sale -- or clearance.

Sarah Silverman: Great color....and that's about it. Ew.

Shar Jackson: Omigod, omigod, omigod. What the hell was she (or not) thinking???
debra messing and heidi klum always look amazing. mariska hargitay surprised me though. she definitely looks better with age for sure!
Mariska, simply stunning. She is the hottest woman on TV.
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