If you're on the internet today, I am sure you noticed Google's tribute to Jackon Pollock. In case you don't know, it's the late artist's bday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! If he were still alive, he'd be almost 100 years old.
My cousin Marilla used to have an art gallery down the road from his Spring Studio in East Hampton. It's no longer open, but the idea of owning a gallery within spitting distance of Pollock's studio is pretty damn cool.
Some people would argue that Pollock's work looks like that of a 5 year old and a box of Crayons. Too each his own, but I disagree. Pollock was, IMHO, brillant. Why? I don't know -- I'm a lowly French major, people! Maybe it's 'cause I like things messy. (Have you seen my room???)
Teri Horton's famous $5 Pollock. May be worth $50M, but per Teri, it's still ugly as sh*t. Do you remember this story? Read about it here: http://tinyurl.com/3dzpfz
My fave. Convergence. There's no bs reason why I like it. I just do.
My own, er, work of art. Check out www.jacksonpollock.org/ to make your own.
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