Saturday, January 17, 2009

Skirting the workout issue

What do you guys think about workout skirts? They look like tennis skirts, and they've been getting a lot of play time off the court as more and more women don them on the treadmill. My friend Kim swears by them. "They're more comfortable," she claims. "And they cover my butt."

Running in a skirt? Hmmmm.....

Until I moved down south, I never wore skirts. Never ever. Seriously -- I was in jeans or pants 99.9% of the time. I even wore pants when I went on my daily jogs, thanks to the frigid Boston weather. I loved pants, especially jeans -- they are super comfy and you don't have to shave your legs. Um, perfect!

Sadly, my exclusive love affair with pants waned after my first Houston summer. Realizing that 99 degree weather wasn't conducive to denim (or any fabric at that) I stocked up on the shortest skirts and shorts I could find. And with the exception of having to shave (which I still often skip), I have thoroughly welcomed my new wardrobe addition.

That said, I still think sweating in a skirt is a bit....strange. What do you think? Would you hit the gym in a workout skirt? Or would you feel like a poser Maria Sharapova?

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