Thursday, January 6, 2011

To-Do Item #3

WOW! I'm updating my blog again! A day after my first post of 2011! I'm on a roll!

This next post is gonna be short, since I have a to-do list I get PAID to manage waiting on me. #3 on my "2011 To-Do List" is:


This won't be easy for me. I have SO much I want to do, SO many people I want to see, SO many early morning runs and bike rides....24 hours just isn't enough time in a day. But I have to make sleep a priority in 2011 -- the consequences of not enough sleep suck. Not getting enough sleep makes me cranky, stupid, and ugly. It also leads me to fall asleep at inopportune times, like while watching a movie, at a party (that is always embarrassing), in the middle of a phone conversation, while kissing a cute boy...

Right now I think I get about 6.5-7.5 hours of sleep a night. I've come to realize that 8.5 is what I need -- and I need to make it happen in 2011. My plan is to track the amount of sleep I'm getting as often as I can. So far, I'm not doing well. Last night I got about 6 hours of sleep. Eek.

On that note, back to work so I can get out of here at a decent hour and go to sleep!

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