Friday, January 14, 2011

Why 2011 is going to rock. Part 1.

(Disclaimer: this post sounds like I overdosed on Prozac. If insanely happy people annoy you, stop reading this now. You have been warned.)

I am in an AWESOME mood today. Why? Because today I got some really, really, REALLY exciting news.

Come March 11 - 15th, yours truly (and this guy) will be attending SXSWi! I am so stoked! For those of you unfamiliar with SXSWi, read about it here. We'll be soaking up loads of digital and social media goodies to bring back and share with the crew at the 'Pont. I couldn't be more excited to partake in such a fantastic event!

But that's not it. This year is going to rock for so many reasons! Here are just a few of the things I have to look forward to: the half marathon (maybe 2), a week of skiing, MS 150 training, SXSWi, more skiing, the actual MS 150, my first tri...and that's just 'til May! Also plotting a VERY cool trip in late summer/fall -- deets TBD but passport will be required. And around that same time, my brother Gil will be back from Afghanistan and Robby will be at flight school only a few hours away in Alabama. Added bonus: I have several friends (and my parents!) planning trips to Houston in the next few months.


Now off to bed -- I have an 8 miler tomorrow morning! WOOHOO!


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