Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sex, Jeans and Videotape

When I was in college, I landed a coveted internship at Calvin Klein. It was a great experience, largely because it helped me realize that 1) filing magazines for 10 hours a day isn't exactly fulfilling and 2) advertising for fashion isn't nearly as much fun as buying it. Thus, my brief three month career on 7th avenue came to a close. Even so, Calvin Klein holds a sweet spot in my heart, so I've gotta mention the company's new (and VERY sexy) ad campaign.

Some of you may have seen my Tweet about the ads last week, but if you missed it, you can check out some images here and the commercial here. WARNING: This ain't your typical Gap ad. The commercial comes thisclose to, er, sealing the deal, if you know what I mean. Think 1 a.m. porn. I wouldn't watch it at work.

Needless to say, the commercials won't be appearing on network TV anytime soon. And although there are plans to create a "PG" version for us prude American audiences, there may not be any need to. Sometimes the ads that don't make it to television are the ones that get the most publicity. Think the recent PETA spots, which were too racy for the Super Bowl. Racy? How about totally disturbing! Anyway, they have gotten a ton of press lately, and PETA has even created a mini-site to celebrate their"Veggie Love" ads. Ick. Watch them if you must, just don't plan on eating salad later...

What do you think of Calvin Klein's new ads? Racy or raunchy? And at what point does sex stop selling...and just get gross?

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