Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Staying positive when life throws you lemons....

Today I got word from a third employer that the job I interviewed for was put on hold. Major bummer....especially since this is the third time I have been faced with this kind of news.

Staying positive in this job market is a monumental task, but I haven't given up yet. Given that a lot of you are probably going through the same hell that I am suffering through now (or if you're not, some of you probably will be soon....although I hope not!!!) I thought I would share some of the ways I am keeping my head up during this recession.

- Set a schedule: I try to apply for jobs, work my network, etc. for at least 6 hours a day -- sometimes it's closer to 10, and sometimes it's closer to 2. But I have a general schedule in mind that I try to stick to.

- Focus on new professional interests: Since I got the axe, I've spent a lot of time developing this blog, Tweeting, growing my LinkedIn network, learning Google analytics, etc. Landing a new post is about more than just sending off resumes and emailing your old contacts. It's also about developing new skills and investing in yourself. Use this time to grow professionally.

- Make some moola: I have been babysitting and freelancing to make some extra cash. It's not much, but it helps keep my wallet a little fatter. (Or, more appropriately, a little less anorexic.)

- Excercise: This is the one silver lining to my losing my job -- I've dropped 5 lbs! Woohoo! Since I have so much extra time now, I am able to hit the gym more frequently.

- If you have the cash, travel: I am a pretty lucky cookie. After all, I was able to spend close to a month in South America without any job or income. I know that most people don't have this luxury, but at the very least, try to get away for a short weekend. To save cash, stay with friends, eat in, and just chill and relax. (Note: traveling can mess up the exercise benefit I spoke about before. Remember this post?)

- Get help: You can't do this alone -- you need a support network. Thank God I have a great family, awesome friends, and a fab therapist. If you don't have a support network behind you, get one. Go back to church. Reach out to old colleagues. Join a professional networking group. Trust me -- there are a ton of people out there who are willing to help you. You just gotta ask.

- Take a break: You don't work non-stop when you're employed, so you can't job search non-stop. You gotta give yourself a break. This is especially true during the weekends. Hang out with your friends. Treat yourself to a cheap dinner out. And have a glass of wine :) Trust me, it will help you relax. (Or at the very least, help you sleep!)

- And most importantly -- be patient. This one has been really hard for me, especially since this is my first job search where I have interviewed for positions and not gotten offers. Until recently, I had NEVER interviewed for a job that I didn't get. You gotta remain upbeat and give yourself time -- everything will work out. Or at least, that's what I am telling myself...


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