Thursday, December 4, 2008

Argentina Schedule

Here is all the info ya need!


4 Dec, 2008: Fly from Houston to Buenos Aires (Continental Flight 51, leave at 9:00 pm)

5 Dec, 2008: Arrive in BA at 11:20 AM. Staying at a rented apartment here:
Paraguay 4419, 1st Floor Apartment A, Palermo Viejo
Phone number is (+54-11) 4833-3765

10 Dec, 2008: Fly from BA to Iguazu (LAN flight 4026, leave at 1:20 pm and get in around 3 pm). Staying here:

Sheraton Iguazú Resort & Spa
Parque Nacional Iguazú, Iguazú 3370 Argentina
Phone: (54) (3757) 491800

12 Dec, 2008: Fly from Iguazu to Mendoza w/ connection in BA (LAN flights 4025 and 4228, leave at 1:50 and arrive at 6:30 -- assuming no delays when I connect!)

Staying here in Mendoza:

B&B Plaza Italia

14 Dec, 2008: Overnight bus from Mendoza to Bariloche. Details TBD, but I look to leave at about 9 pm and arrive in Bariloche at around 1 on the 15th

Staying here in Bariloche:

18 Dec, 2008: Flight from Bariloche to El Calafate. Aerolineas flight 2694. Leave at 1:20 and arrive shortly after 3.

Plans are to go to Chalten that evening either via bus or rental car. Rental car may be the preferred method given that the flight to El Calafate is almost always delayed and I don't want to miss the bus!

Staying in Chalten from the 18-21 here:

Senderos Hosteria

21 Dec, 2008: Drive back to El Calafate. Fly back to BA on Aerolineas flight 2899 (leave at 7:30 and arrive at 11:30 pm)

22 Dec, 2008: Go home :( Fly from BA to Houston (Continental Flight 50, leave at 11:50 pm)

23 Dec, 2008: Back in Houston around 6 AM

Plans on getting home are TBD...but it will probably be on miles since I am so late to book anything!

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