Thursday, December 25, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

We have a fake tree at my house, and I LOVE it. First, as many of you know, I have HORRIBLE allergies. In fact, they are so bad that I have to shoot myself up with allergy drugs once a week. Even so, real Xmas trees + me = non-stop snot fest. It's gross. Second, it's so much easier to clean up once the holidays are over. No annoying bristles to contend with and no water spills that stain my parents' hardwood floors...and we can keep it up WAY past January 1st, which is perfect for a procrastinator like me. Third, I'm saving a tree...well, not really, given that the tree we didn't buy will probably end up in some NNY dumpster, but it makes me feel better imaging some little bird building a little nest for its little family in the little tree that I so kindly let live.

Btw, Christmas was great this year! Among my gifts: a digital photo key chain (very grandma, and VERY cool), a bunch of sweaters for the three cold weeks in Houston, and a new hiking backpack. My brother Robby came bearing a few Penn State tee-shirts and even a "Penn State Girl" bumper sticker. We didn't actually start opening presents until about 11, so I was also able to catch up on some much needed shut eye. On a more negative note...I'll be heading to the gym with my bros in a few minutes. For some reason, the gym on post is open on Christmas. Totally bummed since my entire "sit-on-my-butt-and-pig-out-since-the-gym-is-closed" argument is now moot. Bleh.

I hit the ski slopes tomorrow, so maybe I'll post some pics of me tackling the Double Black diamonds...most likely on my ass.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!!

P.S. A couple of people have asked about my NYE plans. I know, I am so popular. I am trying to get Christian to stay a couple days in H-town on his way back from the Garcia household in hopefully I'll be home in Texas. Yeehaw!

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