Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Miller High Life

So my interviewer asked me today -- "what is a campaign or marketing initiative out right now that you think is really great?" Um, where to start? There are so many! But one came to mind right away...Miller High Life. Random, I know, especially since I am NOT the target audience. You'll see why when you check out a commercial here:

(To be honest, the radio spots are better, but I couldn't find one online. Ok, not entirely true, but I am too lazy to figure out how to post it.)

So why do I like this campaign? Well, the writing is brilliant, the main character is absolutely hilarious and...

The timing is ABSOLUTELY perfect.

The entire campaign is built around the idea of "Living Well By Living Smart." In other words, screw the flat screen TVs and the label-heavy clothing and the fancy new clubs. Miller High Life is about enjoying the little things in life -- like a nice cold beer -- and not spending a fortune doing it. Um, I don't know who Miller's fortune teller is, but she's a freaking genius. Given that everyone and their uncle has gone from riches to rags in less than two months, the entire premise of the campaign is spot on. It is totally in tune with today's disastrous economy.

So it's funny, entertaining AND relevant? That's advertising perfection.

Oh yeah, and one more thing: the ads work. EDUCATED, INTELLIGENT, AND EMPLOYED GUYS ARE DRINKING IT. Seriously. I've been to two parties in the last month and BOTH were stocked with Miller High Life. Are you kidding me? You mean the cheap, watery beer people used to chug at underage frat bashes is now being served at sophisticated house parties? I kept waiting for the Miller High Life Delivery man to storm in and take the beer away, but he never came. Maybe next time....

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