Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Niagara? What's that?

I am in Iguazu and....WOW! As Eleanor Roosevelt put it when she first saw Iguazu -- "Poor Niagara." For those of you unfamiliar with Iguazu, here are the facts:

- 2.5 miles long
- 275 (yes, 275!!) individual waterfalls
- the falls plummet almost 300 feet into the gorge below

The falls are SO huge and SO impressive that you can hear them from miles away. It. Is. AWESOME.

I'll let the photos do most the explaining. Seriously INCREDIBLE. Tomorrow I'll be heading to Garganta del Diablo (Devil's Throat) and doing a boat tour under a waterfall. I may even venture to the Brazilian side of the falls....I don't have a Visa but for $150 USD, that doesn't matter... :) (Btw, $150 is LESS than it costs to get a Brazilian visa! Good deal, as long as I don't end up in Brazilian jail.)

Also, I made an Argentine friend today! His name is Cristian and I met him at the airport in BA. He lives in Miami now and will be going to fashion school soon -- he wants to design couture gowns. Um, AWESOME! He is in Argentina visiting family in Mendoza. He was super sweet and we're going to meet up this weekend in Mendoza!

View from my *free* Sheraton hotel room. Thank God for Starwood points!

Yours truly, in front of a bunch of waterfalls. And you can't even see the HUGE (and super famous!) Devil's Throat from here....

Some cute monkey thing. I have no idea what it was, but it was cute! Probably had rabies though. Yuck.

Another waterfall (and me!). I am so sorry, but I really have no idea which waterfall this is. There are too many! (I forgot my map in my room, but I'll update the name when I find it!)


Richard Laurence Baron said...

"Garganta del Diablo" - doesn't that actually mean "gargling with hot sauce?" It looks like you're having a great time...enjoy!

Anonymous said...

That funny little critter is a coati, I think. We met a few on the Brasilian side of the falls. They are a South American version of the raccoon, I think. Here's the only picture I got: Happy travels!