Monday, December 8, 2008

Thoughts on BA, Part 2

Wow, what to say other than I LOVE IT HERE! It is probably a good thing that I don't speak Spanish, because if I did I would seriously consider quitting my job search and moving here permanently.

There are two aspects about BA that appeal to me so much: the culture and the prices. Culturally, BA is like a South American Paris -- gorgeous surroundings, beautiful people, and amazing food and wine....but even though it is one of the vainest countries the world (this coming from natives, NOT me) it doesn't take itself too seriously. Maybe its because the country has been to hell and back about half dozen times in the last 100 years...I don't know. But there is a chillness in attitude that you would never find in ANY European country. Second, and I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but.... the place is insanely cheap. My steak dinner last night was incredible and I paid a mere $23 for it (including 2, count 'em, 2 bottles of wine!!). I don't think I could have MADE it for that cheap. Did I die and go to heaven or what??? (Btw the image above is a random street fair that I ran across in Palermo....I have no idea what they were celebrating, but it was pretty cool!)

There are some pics below that illustrate what I have been up to for the last couple of days. All photos will (at some point) be posted online at but for now, this will give you a taste of BA from my viewpoint!

Love you all!


PS - Still no word from "THE" job. Will keep you posted...

PPS - Saw some AWESOME Tango today! Check out the videos on YouTube here:

, Contemporary Art Museum. The one and only museum I plan on visiting. I am trying to make this a more chill and relaxed vacation where I spend more time in cafes than staring at art work....

Parks of and gorgeous. Oddly enough, none of the trees or flowers that populate BA are natural. BA is naturally pretty treeless, so these were all planted once the city grew.

San Telmo flea market. The girl next to me is Kate, who took my apartment in Beantown when I moved to Houston. Totally weird coincidence that we were in BA at the same time...and we took the same flight down!!

AMAZING steak dinner. YUM!

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